I'm Back...
I'm back after a short hiatus. Slow news day overall. I'll throw in my 2 cents on Team Canada's troubles, what's wrong with the NBA, and Ricky is at it again. Let's roll...
Solving the TrapTeam Canada was a victim of the trap twice in the last 2 games costing them points in the tournament round-robin standings. Alot of people are panicking right now, but my feeling is that there isn't much to be too concerned about. Remember in 2002 when Team Canada lost to Sweden and everyone was saying it's the end of the world?? Well, we ended up coming back to win that one. We will do the same here. You look at the 8 teams that will be going to the next round, all 8 have a legitimate shot at the Gold. It's really a crapshoot where the team that gets hot and wins 3 games wins the Gold. I still think that Canada has assembled the best team in the tournament and trap or no trap, should still go all the way. Even if we lose to the Czechs tomorrow, we're still going to the next round. Relax everbody, no need to panic, we'll get there.
*Photo from Yahoo!Sports
NBA All-Star Weekend, yawn...
The NBA is slowly becoming irrelevant in the world of sports in North America. There are several factors leading to the downward spiral of interest, here are five reasons to tune out the NBA:
1. No marquee rivalries. No Bulls vs Knicks, no Celtics vs Lakers.
2. The best players play for crappy teams (Kobe in LA, Lebron in Cleveland, Iverson in Philly). 3. The best teams have the players with no personality (Duncan in SA, Rip and Billups in Detroit, Dirk in Dallas)
4. There are only 2 good teams, everyone else nobody could care a lick about.
5. All the teams play the same game.
*Photo from Yahoo!Sports
Hits From The BongRicky tokes it up again, this time the NFL has suspended him for a full season. We've likely seen the last of Ricky in the NFL. The guy just wants to smoke his weed, and be left alone. Just leave Ricky be. Just look at how Ryan Leaf has been able to move on with his life. Ricky needs to move on, find a nice stoner town to live in and just get baked all day. In fact, Vancouver would be the perfect place for Ricky to settle down. Everyone knows that BC bud is the best in the world.
*Photo from BrettandShannon's Blog
What's on TV
NBA, Golden State vs Sacramento, 7:00pm PST on the Score
Olympics, Canadian Highlights (Taped), 6:00pm PST on TSN
Picks of the Day
Charlotte Bobcats +11 over Denver Nuggets
Record YTD (43-43, -963)
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